Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Madness Of King George (1994)

Aging King George III of England (Sir Nigel Hawthorne) is exhibiting signs of madness, a problem little understood in 1788. As the monarch alternates between bouts of confusion and near-violent outbursts of temper, his hapless doctors attempt the ineffectual cures of the day. Meanwhile, Queen Charlotte (Dame Helen Mirren) and Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger (Julian Wadham) attempt to prevent the King's political enemies, led by the Prince of Wales (Rupert Everett), from usurping the throne.

Um envelhecido Rei George II da Inglaterra (Nigel Hawthorne) está mostrando sinais de loucura, um problema pouco compreendido em 1788. Enquanto o monarca alterna momentos de confusão e ataques violentos de temperamento, seus médicos tentam todas as curas que aparecem. Enquanto isso, a Rainha Charlotte (Helen Mirren) e o primeiro ministro William Pitt o jovem (Julian Wadham) tentam evitar que os inimigos políticos do rei, liderados pelo Príncipe de Gales (Rupert Everett, de usurparem o trono.

Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren as Queen Charlotte

Director Nicholas Hytner

Writer Alan Bennett (play "The Madness of George III")

Stars: Nigel Hawthorne, Helen Mirren, Rupert Graves, Jim Carter. Ian Holm, Rupert Everett.

Won 3 BAFTAS and 1 Oscar for Best Art Direction

Subtitles - English, Português, Español

Copyright owner is blocking in these territories

Puerto Rico, U.S. Outlying Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, United States. Sorry, Yankee Doodles!

Many historians believe that George III's mental state was caused by porphyria, a metabolic imbalance that can cause blue urine. However, recent research into his written correspondence suggests bouts of mania, and a common type of medicine at the time could have caused blue urine, leading some to conclude that he had a psychiatric illness.

This movie made Sir Nigel Hawthorne the first openly gay actor nominated for an Academy Award. (While promoting the film, he was "outed" by controversial activist Peter Tatchell.) Actors who later admitted or were later confirmed to be gay had been nominated, but he was the first actor who was already "out" at the time. He was frustrated that it was all the American interviewers wanted to discuss, rather than this movie or the nomination.

When Willis first restrains King George III in the restraint chair, the music that plays is George Frideric Handel's "Zadok The Priest", commissioned for King George II, and performed during his and every subsequent coronation. As the music reaches its climax, the King is fully restrained in the "throne", with a leather strap around his forehead resembling a crown. The music establishes the restraint scene as a mock coronation.

This movie is based on a play by Alan Bennett called "The Madness of George III". An urban legend formed that the title was changed to prevent non-British audiences from mistaking it for a sequel to two other movies about "The Madness of George". Nicholas Hytner clarified that in the U.K. it would be obvious that "George III" was a King, but it might not be so clear elsewhere, hence the name change. That does not rule out the sequel theory, as the numeral III was not mentioned by Hytner.


Lonely Hearts (1982)

In this offbeat comedy, an unlikely romance develops between a flamboyant, middle-aged piano tuner and an extremely timid office worker. 


Paul Cox


Wendy Hughes, Norman Kaye, Jon Finlayson

Movie is copyrighted but the copyright owner allows the conttents to be used on YouTube.

Subtitles: English & Spanhish.

Nessa comédia diferente, um romance improvável acontece entre um afinador de piano de meia idade e uma funcionária de escritório extremamente tímida.

Conteúdo protegido por direitos autorais. O proprietário permite que o conteúdo seja usado no YouTube.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thursday´s Game (1974)

Harry Evers and Marvin Ellison have been playing poker Thursday nights with their friends for years. When a disagreement breaks up the game, they decide to continue meeting and doing different things together, instead of staying home with their wives. When the wives find out that the games stopped some time ago, they are quite upset. Just what have they been doing on Thursday nights.


Robert Moore


James L. Brooks (the famous writer, director and producer)


Gene Wilder, Bob Newhart, Ellen Burstyn, Cloris Leachman, Valerie Harper.

Copyright: No issues found according to YouTube

No subtitles.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

X, Y And Zee (1972)

One more tribute to Dame Elizabeh Taylor. Another film with her starring which YouTube is not blocking. The film is copyrighted but the owner allows the content to be on YouTube.

Big, boozy, and beautiful Elizabeth Taylor (as Zee) has an "modern marriage" with London architect Michael Caine (as Robert Blakeley). Their extra-curricular activities aren't too serious. Then, Mr. Caine falls in "love at first sight" with blonde boutique owner Susannah York (as Stella). Caine sets her up in an apartment and plans to leave Ms. Taylor. Sensing a rival who will truly threaten her marriage, Taylor ingratiates herself into her husband's romance - intending to end the affair, or go crazy trying.

Director Brian G. Hutton

Stars: Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Caine, Susannah York, John Standing and Margaret Leighton.

Music by Stanley Meyers.

During filming, just in the middle of a scene, Dame Elizabeth Taylor shouted "Cut". Director Brian G. Hutton asked Taylor what was going on. She replied that she needed to go to the bathroom. Hutton said he was astonished that the great Elizabeth Taylor needed to go to bathroom, because he thought fairies came and took it away in toothpaste tubes. Taylor laughed.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor had it in her contract that she did not have to start work before 10:00 a.m. She did arrive to the set on time, however, and in a procession of three or four limousines for herself and her entourage.

Subs in English & Portuguese.

A bonita e beberrona Zee (Elizabeth Taylor) tem um casamento moderno com o arquiteto londrino Michael Caine (como Robert Blakeley). Suas atividades extracurriculares não são muito sérias. Mas Robert se apaixona em "amor à primeira vista" por uma dona de butique, Stella (Susannah York). Caine a coloca em seu apartamento e planeja deixar Zee. Percebendo que uma rival irá ameaçar seu casamento, Taylor se mete no romance do esposo, pretendendo terminar o caso ou ficar maluca tentando.

Nessa época da sua vida, Liz Taylor já era uma diva. Ela colocava em seu contrato que não trabalhava antes das 10 da manhã. Ela chegava pontualmente aos ensaios, mas com uma procissão de três ou quatro limusines para ela e sua equipe.

Trilha sonora de Stanley Meyers, o mesmoa genial criador da trilha Cavatina de The Deer Hunter.

Legendas em Inglês e Português.

Conteúdo protegido por direitos autorais. O proprietário permite que o conteúdo seja usado no YouTube. 


I love You, I love You (Je t'aime, je t'aime), by Alain Resnais (1968)

Claude Ridder (played by Claude Rich), who has held many different office jobs, has recently survived a suicide attempt. When leaving the sanitarium, Claude is approached by creepy members of a secret organization which is conducting time-travel experiments. At the remote facility he is encouraged to allow the scientists to transport him back a year in time for a minute. The scientists tell him that they have successfully conducted this experiment with lab mice and now need him for the first human trial. A few days later, Claude and a mouse (in a small container) enter the Time Machine (which looks like a human brain from the outside). The Time Machine (TM) starts up. Woops—it immediately begins skipping like a dirty CD. While the scientists outside the TM lament their inability to stop it, Claude begins reliving short segments of his past randomly without end. He can exit the TM only after decompressing for four minutes; but the endlessly-looping Time Machine keeps interrupting the closing sequence. The repeated perspective of a large brain in the background with anxious scientists in the foreground worried about the brain's condition comments upon brainwashing.

Director: Alain Resnais

Stars: Claude Rich, Olga Georges-Picot, Anouk Ferjac

Copyright: No issues found

Subtitles: English, Portuguese, Spanish

Claude Ridder (Claude Rich), que teve muitos empregos em escritório, recentemente sobreviveu a uma tentativa de suicídio. Quando deixa o hospital, ele se encontra com membros sinistros de uma organização secreta, que está conduzindo experimentos com viagem no tempo. Em um local da experiência, ele é convidado a permitir que os cientistas o transportem de volta ao tempo em um ano pelo instante de um minuto. Os cientistas dizem a eles que eles tiveram sucesso no experimento com ratos de laboratório e agora precisam dele para o primeiro teste com humanos. Alguns dias depois, Claude e um rato (em um recipiente) entra na Máquina do Tempo (que se parece com um cérebro humano do lado de fora). E o restante do filme não digo mais, para não passar spoiler.

Filme publicado em meu canal RevistaCineTV que foi desabilitado injustamente pelo YouTube. Esse filme está sendo postado novamente, assim como outros do antigo canal.

Filme sem restrição de copyright para exibição no YouTube

Legendas: Inglês, Português, Espanhol.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

A Thousand One Nights, by Elichi Yamamoto (1969)

Aldin, a poor traveling water seller rescues a beautiful slave woman named Miriam from a slave auction in Baghdad. They fall in love at first sight and have a tryst, but the evil sheriff arrests Aldin and takes Miriam for himself. After being tortured, Aldin eventually manages to escape only to find his beloved dying in childbirth. Aldin flees the city and has many more bizarre, dangerous and often tragic adventures including finding Ali Baba's cave of wonders where he meets a tomboy outlaw with a serious grudge against the sheriff, landing on a strange island full of beautiful horny naked women, escaping a gigantic man-eating monster and discovering a ship that's actually a wish-granting genie. Eventually, Aldin returns to Baghdad as a much older and bitter man with the intent of becoming the new king and marrying the princess, who may or may not be his illegitimate daughter. However, nothing goes as planned despite the intervention of two quizzical shapeshifting creatures.

Director: Eiichi Yamamoto

Writers: Osamu Tezuka (screenplay) Kazuo Fukazawa(screenplay) Hiroyuki Kumai(screenplay)

Stars: Sachiko Itô(voice)Haruko Katô(voice)Noboru Mitani(voice)

Copyright-protected content found, but the owner allows the content to be used on YouTube.

Audio in Japaneses and subtitles only in English.

Aldin, um pobre vendedor de água viajante salva uma bela escrava, chamada Miriam, de um leilão de escravos em Bagdá. Eles se apaixonam à primeira vista e tem um encontro amoroso, mas o xerife maldoso aprisiona Aldin e leva Miriam para si próprio. Depois de ser torturado, Aldin consegue finalmente escapar e encontrar sua amada morrendo no parto. Aldin foge da cidade e aí começam suas aventuras bizarras, perigosas e muitas vezes trágicas, incluindo a caverna de Ali Babá, onde ele  conhece uma garota que se veste como homem e que tem uma bronca séria contra o xerife. E outras aventuras fabulosas. Mais tarde, Aldin volta a Bagdá como um homem mais velho e amargo, com a intenção de se tornar o novo rei e casar com a princesa, que pode ou não ser sua filha ilegítima. Contudo, nada sai como planejado.

Legendas apenas em Inglês.

Tem direitos autorais, mas o proprietário permite que o filme seja mostrado no YouTube..


Topsy -Turvy, by Mike Leigh (1999)

Topsy Turvy captures Gilbert and Sullivan in the midst of a turbulent period in their partnership. Desperate to be taken more seriously as a composer, Arthur Sullivan attempts to renege on the Gilbert and Sullivan contract with the Savoy Theatre. While his partner William S Gilbert struggles to come up with something new to write about. Each man, in a sense, is longing for individual acclaim but they are trapped in an entity neither one can shake. The fame of their collective energies has taken on a life of its own and the theater crowds want more.

Director Mike Leigh

Writer Mike Leigh

Stars: Jim Broadbent, Allan Corduner, Dexter Fletcher, Lesley Manville, Timothy Spall, Kevin McKidd, Andy Serkis.

Won 2 Oscars: Best Costume Design, Best Makeup.

Mike Leigh was so frustrated with the continued relegation of his movies to art house cinemas instead of wide release that he joked that he would have cast Arnold Schwarzenegger as both Gilbert and Sullivan if his budget had permitted it.

There are three Shakespearean quotes. The first is a line from Macbeth Act III, Scene 3 "O horror, horror, horror!...", spoken by Gilbert at breakfast in relation to the prospects for an extended run for 'Princess Ida'. The second is from Othello, Act I, Scene 1 : "What a full fortune does the thick-lips owe,/ If he can carry 't thus!" , spoken at the restaurant when discussing General Gordon's death at Khartoum. The third is also from Macbeth, Act II, Scene 2 : "A little water clears us of this deed," spoken by Helen Lenoir when comforting Rutland Barrington, who was ill from eating oysters. That quote from Macbeth Act 3 is also said by Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now.

Blocked in some countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Subtitles in English, Português, Español.

Topsy Turvy mostra a famosa dupla Gilbert & Sullivan (Jim Broadbent e Allan Corduner) no meio de um período turbulento da parceria deles. Gilbert & Sullivan até é citada pelo Capitão Picard em episódio de Star Trek Nova Geração. Desesperado por ser levado mais a sério como compositor, Arthur Sullivan tenta renegar o contrato que a dupla tem com o Teatro Savoy. Enquanto seu parceiro William Gilbert luta para conseguir algo novo para escrever. Cada um está esperando uma aclamação individual, mas eles estão presos em uma entidade que não conseguem mudar. A fama deles tomou vida própria e o teatro quer mais. A expressão Topsy-Turvy quer dizer de cabeça para baixo ou em desordem.

Esse filme foi publicado aqui no blog em dezembro de 2021, mas o YouTube removeu meu canal. Agora está publicado em outro canal conforme link abaixo.

Legendas em Inglês, Português e Espanhol.

Filme ganhou dois Oscars e um BAFTA.


Thursday, November 24, 2022

A Colt Is My Passport, by Takashi Nomura (1967)

The melancholy, homely Kamimura is a hit man who takes a job to kill a mob boss who's gotten greedy. The rival gang lord who hires Kamimura and his driver Shun pays them and sets them up in a hotel for a night while arranging safe passage on a ship. The son of the dead man comes to his rival and offers a partnership and cash in exchange for Kamimura's death. The boss considers his choice: morals or money? A maid at the hotel tries to aid the escape of Kamimura and Shun. As the two gangs close in, Kamimura chooses honor. 


Takashi Nomura


Shinji Fujiwara(novel) Hideichi Nagahara (screenplay)Nobuo Yamada (screenplay)

Stars: Jô Shishido, Jerry Fujio, Chitose Kobayashi

Copyright No issues found

Subs in English and Spanish.

Pay attention to the music score by Harumi Ibe.

Filme japonês do diretor Takashi Nomura. O melancólico e caseiro Kamimura é um matador que aceita um trabalho de matar um chefe da máfia, que se tornou ambicioso demais. O chefe da gangue rival, que contrata Kamimura e seu motorista Shun, faz o pagamento a eles e os coloca em um  hotel para a noite, enquanto providencia um passagem segura em um navio. O filho do homem morto vai até o rival do seu pai e oferece uma parceria e dinheiro em troca da morte de Kamimura. O chefe pensa na escolha: moral ou dinheiro? Uma arrumadeira do hotel tenta ajudar na escapada de Kamumura e Shun. Quando as duas gangues os cercam, Kamimura escolha a honra.

Preste atenção na trilha sonora de Harumi Ibe. A la Ennio Morricone e já em 1967.

Sem restrição de copyright segundo o YouTube.

Legendas em Inglês e Español.


The Comedy Man (1964)

A comedy/drama about a group of British actors on the periphery is THE COMEDY MAN, which stars Kenneth More as a down-and-out actor who finally finds success, but in a series of TV commercials about breath mints. The various members of the group experience all sorts of ups and downs and live in a shared, squalid flat. They chase all over London looking for work but fall prey to the indifference of producers. An oily agent (Dennis Price) lords overs them and plays favorites as he bestows various small jobs. One actor (Edmund Purdom) lands a small film role that that launches him to major screen success ... much to the bitter envy of the others. 


Alvin Rakoff


Peter Yeldham (screenplay),  Douglas Hayes(novel)

Stars: Kenneth More, Cecil Parker, Dennis Price, Edmund Purdom, Billie Whitelaw.

Subtitles: English & Portuguese.

Blocked in these countries only: Andorra, Belgium, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Ireland, Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, New Caledonia, Réunion, St. Martin, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Wallis & Futuna

Uma comédia/drama sobre um grupo de atores britânicos que não se sobressae  muito, com um dos meus atores britânicos favoritos, Kenneth More, como um ator sem posses que finalmente encontra o sucesso , mas em uma série de comerciais de TV de pastilhas para hálito. Os vários membros do grupo têm todos os tipos de altos e baixos e vivem em um modesto apartamento compartilhado.  Vão para todos os cantos de Londres procurando trabalho, mas recebem indiferença de empresários. Um deles (Dennis Price) consegue alguns pequenos trabalhos para eles. Um ator (Edmund Purdom) obtém um papel pequeno , que o lança para um maior sucesso nas telas ... para inveja dos outros. 

Com  Kenneth More, Cecil Parker, Dennis Price, Edmund Purdom, Billie Whitelaw.

Legendas em Inglês e Português (de Portugal)

Filme com bloqueio de exibição no YouTube apenas em alguns países, como Reino Unido, França, Bélgica e Suíça.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Driver's Seat (1974)

Lise (Dame Elizabeth Taylor), a mentally unbalanced middle-aged woman travels toward a fatal destiny that she had helped to arrange, as if her own extinction will bring a meaningful existence to its wished-for end - a premeditated search for someone, anyone, with whom she could form a dangerous liaison.

Directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi

Cast: Elizabeth Taylor, Ian Bannen, Guido Mannari.

Luchino Visconti had wanted to film this in 1970 with Glenda Jackson in the lead.

No copyright issues found according to YouTube. Subs in English

Lise (Elizabeth Taylor) uma mulher de meia idade com perturbações mentais viaja para um destino fatal que ela tinha ajudado a providenciar, como se a sua própria extinção fosse trazer uma existência significativa para sua busca por alguém, qualquer um com quem ela poderia formar uma ligação perigosa.

Legenda em Português e Inglês . A primeira foi sincronizada via Point Sync com a legenda inglesa. Não sei se isso funciona com perfeição.

Talvez seja o primeiro filme da diva, da deusa Elizabeth Taylor que consigo publicar no canal do YouTube.

Nenhum problema de direitos autorais foi encontrado.


The Passionate Friends, by David Lean (1949)

Former lovers Mary Justin (Todd) and Steven Stratton (Trevor Howard) meet accidentally at a New year's party and rekindle lost feelings. Trouble is she is married to a wealthy banker Howard Justin (Claude Rains) and Stratton's in a committed relationship. Justin discovers the affair however and puts an end to it. Nine years pass and they meet again while vacationing. Stratton is now married with kids but Howard thinks otherwise and files for divorce. Mary becomes desperate and suicidal.

This movie is based on the 1913 novel "The Passionate Friends" by H. G. Wells, who also wrote "The Invisible Man", which was made into a 1933 hit movie starring Claude Rains, one of the stars in this movie.

The book Mary (Ann Todd) finds on Steven's (Trevor Howard's) shelf and reads from is "Patterns of Culture" by Ruth Benedict (1887-1948), a noted American anthropologist and folklorist. The book was published in 1934. It is the first book from which Mary Justin and Steven Stratton quote after dinner ("In the beginning, God gave to every people a cup of clay, and from this cup they drank their life."). The full passage from her book is: "A chief of the Digger Indians, as the Californians call them, talked to me a great deal about the ways of his people in the old days. One day, without transition, he broke in upon his descriptions of grinding mesquite and preparing corn soup. "In the beginning," he said, "God gave to every people a cup, a cup of clay, and from this cup they drank their life. They all dipped in the water", he continued, "but their cups were different. Our cup is broken now. It has passed away." Our Cup is Broken. Those things that had given significance to the life of his people, the domestic rituals of eating, the obligations of the economic system, the succession of ceremonials in the villages, possession in the bear dance, their standards of right and wrong - these were gone, and with them, the shape and meaning of their life."

The second book that Mary Justin and Steven Stratton quote from after dinner ("From the music they love you should know the texture of men's souls.") is roughly taken from English novelist and playwright John Galsworthy's "The Man of Property" (published in 1906), the first in a series of three novels and two interludes comprising the "The Forsyte Saga" (published in 1922). The actual quote is: "By the cigars they smoke, and the composers they love, ye shall know the texture of men's souls."

The film underwent a restoration by the BFI National Archive and Granada International, funded by The David Lean Foundation, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on May 17th 2008. This release is a restoraton.

Ann Todd was married to director David Lean from 1949 to 1957.

In the late 1950s Ann embarked on a secondary career as a writer and maker of travel documentaries.

Directed by David Lean

Based on novel by H.G. Wells

Cast: Ann Todd, Trevor Howard, Claude Rains.


Movie with copyrights, but the owner allows the content to be on YouTube.

Subtitles: English, Portugês, Español.

Antigos amantes Mary Justin (Ann Todd) e Steven Stratton (Trevor Howard) se encontram acidentalmente em festa de fim de ano e reacendem antigas chamas. O problema é que ela está casada com um rico banqueiro, Howard Justin (Claude Rains) e Steven está compromissado. Justin descobre o caso contudo e coloca um fim nele. Nove anos se passaram e eles se encontram de novo, enquanto estão em férias. Stratton agora está casado e com filhos, mas Howard pensa de outra maneira e pede divórcio. Mary fica desesperada e com tentativas de suicídio.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Between the Lines (1977)

Story of an underground newspaper in Boston about to be taken over by big business.

Directed by Joan Micklin Silver
Cast: John Heard, Lindsay Crouse, Jeff Goldblum, Michael J. Pollard.

Estória de um pequeno jornal em Boston, que pode ser engolido por uma grande empresa.

Subtitles/Legendas - English

The film is copyrighted but the owner allows the content to be published on YouTube.
Encontramos conteúdo protegido por direitos autorais. O proprietário permite que o conteúdo seja usado no YouTube.


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Moloch, by Aleksander Sokurov (1999)

The year is 1942. Hitler is at the height of power. He and his inner circle retreat to a misty mountaintop castle in the Alps. Eva Braun, nearly naked and alone, basks in solitude on the ramparts. It is her only escape from the burden of loving Adolf Hitler arrives with Dr. Josef Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels and Martin Bormann to spend a couple of days without talking politics.Thus begins Alexander Sokurov's film MOLOCH, which won the Best Screenplay Award at the 1999 Cannes Film Festival.

Webster's Third International English Dictionary describes Moloch as an ancient Semitic deity, and the figurative definition runs as, "A tyrannical power propitiated by human subservience or sacrifice." 

Directed by

Aleksandr Sokurov

Cast: Elena Rufanova, Eva Mattes,, Leonid Mozgovoy

The movie is copyrighted but (according to YouTube) the owner of the copyright allows the film to be  used by this channel & blog on YouTube.

Subtitles in English, Português, Español.

O ano é 1942, Hitler está no auge do poder. Ele e seu círculo mais próximo vão para um castelo no alto das montanhas nos Alpes. Eva Braun, praticamente nua e só,  se expõe pela edificação. É seu extravasamento do peso de amar Adolf Hitler, que chega com Josef Goebbels e sua esposa Magda Goebbels e o secretário de Hitler, Martin Bormann, para passar alguns dias sem falar de política. Assim começa o filme do russo Aleksandr Sokurov, Moloch, que ganhou o prêmio de melhor roteiro no Festival de Cannes em 1999.

O termo Moloch descreve ser uma deidade semítica antiga e figurativamente significar um poder tirânico propiciado pela subserviência e sacrifício humano.

Filme tem conteúdo protegido por direitos autorais. O proprietário permite que o conteúdo seja usado no YouTube.


Friday, November 18, 2022

Compelled (Majboor), 1974

Ravi Khanna (Amitabh Bachchan) lives happily with his widowed mother, wheelchair-bound sister (Farida Jalal) and younger brother. He suffers from a terminal brain tumor, and has only 6 months to live. In an effort to provide for his family, he takes the responsibility of a murder that he has not committed to collect the ransom money of Rs. 500,000. 

Directed by Ravi Tandon

Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Parveen Babi, Pran Sikand

Copyrighted film, but the owner allows the movie to be used on YouTube

Subtitles in English

Filme indiano sobre Ravi Khanna (Amitabh Bachchan) que vive feliz com sua mãe viúva, uma irmã que vive na cadeira de rodas e um irmão mais novo. Ele sofre de uma tumor cerebral terminal e tem apenas 6 meses de vida. Em um esforço para deixar recursos para sua família após sua morte, ele assume a responsabilidade de um assassinato que não cometeu para receber o dinheiro da recompensa de 500 mil rúpias.

Legendas apenas em Inglês.

Direitos autorais

Conteúdo protegido por direitos autorais. O proprietário do copyrights permite que o conteúdo seja usado no YouTube.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Enchanted April, by Mike Newell (1991)

Four English women, after World War I, who are unhappy with their lives, and their time away on vacation in a beautiful Italian villa.

Quatro inglesas, depois da Primeira Guerra Mundial, que estão infelizes com suas vidas, em viagem de férias em uma bonita mansão na Itália.

Directed by Mike Newell

Based on novel by Elizabeth von Arnim

Cast: Alfred Molina, Joan Plowright, Miranda Richardson, Polly Walker, Josie Lawrence, Jim Broadbent.

The movie is copyrighted but it is only blocled in Canada, USA, Marshall Islands, American Virgin Islands, American Samoa.

O detentor de direitos autorais bloqueia o conteúdo nestes países

Canadá, Estados Unidos, Guam, Ilhas Marshall, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Porto Rico, Samoa Americana

Legendas: English, Português, Español (ad duas últimas legendas foram ressincronizadas pelas legendas em Inglês).


Trivia IMDb:

The Italian castle scenes were filmed at Castello Brown in Portofino, Italy, the same castle where Elizabeth von Arnim stayed in the 1920s while writing the novel of the same title, on which this movie was based.

When she was cast as Mrs. Fisher, Dame Joan Plowright said that about twenty years earlier she and Dame Maggie Smith had planned an adaption of the same novel in which they would play the parts of Lottie Wilkins and Rose Arbuthnot.

Made for British television in 1991, but well-produced enough to be released in theaters in the United States in 1992.

There was no road leading up to Castello Brown, the Italian filming location for the castle. Cast and crew had to walk a mile up the hill every day in the morning, and then down again in the evening. All equipment and furnishings for the castle had to be carried up the hill. There was one elevator in the rock up to a neighboring house, but Dame Joan Plowright was the only member of the cast allowed to use it.

Alfred Molina was the only member of the cast and crew who could speak Italian and communicate with the Italian actors and locals during the shoot in Italy. He ended up acting as general interpreter for the production.

After filming wrapped, the cast and crew later remarked upon several supernatural experiences while filming on-location in Italy. Alfred Molina reportedly felt an ice-cold hand grasp the back of his neck on a night shoot, while Miranda Richardson felt her knee-high dress being aggressively yanked to the floor while waiting to film in an old castle. There were also several instances of crew members having to leave the set after suddenly feeling unwell.

Miramax Films, then a relatively small and new company, used the proceeds from the surprise success of the distribution of this movie to produce Neil Jordan's Traídos pelo Desejo (1992), which became another big success for them.

Featured Dame Joan Plowright's only Oscar nominated performance.

Former U.S. President George Bush watched this movie to cheer himself up directly after losing the 1992 election.

World War I looms large in this story set in the early 1920s. Everyone seems to assume that Mrs. Rose Arbuthnot (Miranda Richardson) and Mrs. Lottie Wilkins (Josie Lawrence) are war widows since they travel to Italy alone. Lady Caroline Dester's (Polly Walker's) life is adrift because she lost her beau in the war. Mr. George Briggs' (Michael Kitchen's) bad eyesight is due to mustard gas used by the Germans during the war.

When Mellersh Wilkins (Alfred Molina) is warned by local workmen about the boiler, but ignores them with disastrous consequences, he protests, "I didn't know 'pericoloso' meant 'explosion'!" "Pericoloso" is Italian for "dangerous".

The final movie watched by singer and songwriter Harry Nilsson.

The castle, to which the ladies travel, is located in Portofino on the outskirts of Genoa. Mr. George Briggs and Mr. Frederick Arbuthnot (Jim Broadbent) stop by the castle en route to Rome.

The novel had already a first (and lesser known) adaptation in the '30s, Enchanted April (1935), that didn't impress contemporary audience and critics.

Dame Joan Plowright and Jim Broadbent appeared in Widows' Peak (1994).

The film cast includes one Oscar winner: Jim Broadbent; and two Oscar nominees: Joan Plowright and Miranda Richardson.

Desperate Living, by John Waters (1977)

A rich housewife murders her husband with her overweight maid's help and the two go on the run, ending up in Mortville, a town that provides refuge for criminals. They shack up with a lesbian ex-wrestler and her murderess lover before running into the tyrannical Queen Carlotta, ruler of Mortville.

Uma rica dona de casa mata seu marido com a ajuda da sua criada obesa e as duas fogem, terminando em Mortville, uma cidade que dá refúgio a criminosos e governada por uma rainha fascista.

Filmes de John Waters não são para todos os gostos e muitos acham que ele exagera no mau gosto e atores canastrões.

Directed & Written by John Waters

Cast: Liz Renay, Mink Stole, Susan Lowe

Subs: English, Português, Español.

The release is labeled as 1080p but this might not happen at least during the beginning.

Movie is copyrighted but the owner allows the use on YouTube.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Husbands, by John Cassavetes (1970)

A common friend's sudden death brings three men, married with children, to reconsider their lives and ultimately leave together. But mindless enthusiasm for regained freedom will be short-lived.

Screenwriter John Cassavetes wrote the film's dialogue after doing improvisations with actors Ben Gazzara and Peter Falk. Reportedly, Cassavetes built the film's three main central characterizations around the real-life personalities of the film's three main actors one of whom included himself.

Director John Cassavetes had to cut the film's running time down about 90 minutes to 154 minutes due to contractual requirements with Columbia Pictures. Due to negative reviews and poor box-office, the studio then cut the film down a further 16 minutes to 138 minutes. The around 85 minutes of the original footage from the long cut have never been located.

Apparently, John Cassavetes spent nine months in the cutting room editing the film but is not billed as an editor on the picture.

This is the only film directed by John Cassavetes to feature both Ben Gazzara and Peter Falk, two of his most frequent collaborators.

This was the first film written and directed by John Cassavetes to be shot in color.

In the documentary, "A Constant Forge", Cassavetes said this was a very personal film for him; his older brother died at the age of 30, and he knew very well the effect losing a loved one.

First of three collaborations of actor Ben Gazzara and writer-director John Cassavetes, the others being Noite de Estréia (1977) and A Morte de um Bookmaker Chinês (1976) with Cassavetes not also acting in the latter. The pair also both appeared in two non-Cassavetes written and directed movies, Enquanto Viverem as Ilusões (1969) and "Capone"

This is one of few John Cassavetes-directed movies that does not feature his real-life wife, actress Gena Rowlands.

The production shoot for this film ran for around six months during the first half of the 1969 year.

Nick Cassavetes played uncredited a character, Nick, who had the same first name as his own. This was the first ever film that future actor-writer-director Nick Cassavetes and son of the film's writer-director and co-lead actor John Cassavetes, ever worked on. Like father like son, both in their careers are actor-writer-directors.

The film's subtitle was "a comedy about life, death and freedom", which if considered as part of the film's long or complete title, "Husbands - A Comedy About Life, Death & Freedom", as show-business trade paper 'Variety' reported with its review, makes the title at 8 words long the John Cassavetes film with the longest title of all, even longer than Uma Mulher Sob Influência (1974) (5 words) and A Morte de um Bookmaker Chinês (1976) (6 words).

A morte repentina de amigo em comum dos personagens de Cassavetes, Falk e Gazzara, leva os três, casados e com filhos, a reconsiderar suas vidas. Mas esse entusiasmo para uma nova liberdade vai ter vida curta.

Subs: English, Español, Português. Legendas em Português foram ressincronizadas via Point Sync com as legendas em Espanhol,  que pode, mesmo assim, ocasionar alguns problemas.

Copyrighted but allowed by the content owner to be published on YouTube.


Leo, the Last , by John Boorman (1970)

A social satire about the last heir of a dethroned family of European monarchs whose plans to return to power through revolution become secondary after he becomes fascinated by the life of a poor London black girl and her boyfriend.

Uma sátira social sobre o último herdeiro de uma família destronada de monarcas europeus (daí o título, Leo, o Último), cujos planos de voltar ao poder pela revolução se tornam secundários, depois que ele fica fascinado pela vida de uma pobre garota negra de Londres e sua namorada.

Directed by John Boorman.

Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Billie Whitelaw (she will appear topless in this film), Calvin Lockhart.

The audio is in Italian, the subs are in English, Spanish and Portuguese, but it seems that the English subs are in better shape. The resolution of this movie is neither720 nor 1080. But it is watchable.

Não testei a legenda em espanhol, mas a brasileira está um pouco atrasada, mas a legenda inglesa está muito boa. A resolução não é das melhores, mas não existe nada melhor para esse filme. Mas dá para assistir muito bem.

Copyrighted movie but the owner allows the publication on YouTube.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A Month By The Lake (1995)

This romantic comedy is set before before the onset of WWII. The lightweight plot focuses on a beautiful, elegant villa in the summer of 1937 where Miss Bentley has already spent sixteen summers with her father. Her father has died recently and the only English speaking guests are a group of Americans.

Esta comédia romântica se passa antes do início da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O enredo foca uma elegante mansão no verão de 1937, onde Miss Bentley passou dezesseis verões com seu pai, que faleceu recentemente e os únicos convidados que falam Inglês são um grupo de americanos.

Directed by John Irvin

Cast: Vanessa Redgrave, Edward Fox, Uma Thurman, Alida Valli, Alessandro Gassmann.

Music by Nicola Piovani.

Based on novella by H. E. Bates.

Miss Beaumont's name means 'beautiful mountain'. This is in reference to the considerable height difference between Beaumont (Uma Thurman) and Major Wilshaw (Edward Fox).

This film also reunites Edward Fox with Vanessa Redgrave since their previous film Oh! Que Bela Guerra! (1969). There is a gap of twenty-six years between the two films.

The producer Robert Fox is the younger brother of Edward Fox (Major Wilshaw) and the former son-in-law of Vanessa Redgrave (Miss Bentley).

Edward Fox and Uma Thurman had previously co-starred in Robin Hood, o Herói dos Ladrões (1991), which was also directed by John Irvin.

Movie is copyrighted but it is only blocked in Vatican City, Italy and San Marino.

Subtitles in English only.


Einstein's Universe - Documentary (1979)

A documentary produced in 1979 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein. Narrated and hosted by Peter Ustinov and written by Nigel Calder, the film takes place at the University of Texas' McDonald Observatory where a staff of renowned physicists take both Ustinov and the viewer through a hands-on experience of the exciting facets of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

Documentário produzido em 1979 para comemoração do centenário do nascimento de Albert Einstein. Narrado pelo ator Peter Ustinov, o filme acontece na Universidade do Texas, onde uma equipe de renomados cientistas levam Ustinov e a audiência para uma experiência prática sobre as facetas extraordinárias da Teoria da Relatividade Geral.

Directed by Martin Freeth

Cast: Peter Ustinov, Nigel Calder, Kenneth Brecher

Subs only in English.


The Wings Of The Dove (1997)

An impoverished woman who has been forced to choose between a privileged life with her wealthy aunt and her journalist lover, befriends an American heiress. When she discovers the heiress is attracted to her own lover and is dying, she sees a chance to have both the privileged life she cannot give up and the lover she cannot live without.

Um mulher empobrecida que tem sido forçada a escolher entre uma vida de privilégios com seus tia rica e seu amado jornalista, recepciona uma herdeira americana. Quando ela descobre que a herdeira se sente atraída por seu namorado e está morrendo, ela vê a chance de ter uma vida de rica e também o amado de quem ela não consegue viver sem.

Directed by Iain Softley

Based on novel by Henry James

Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Linus Roache, Alex Jennings, Charlotte Rampling, Michael Gambon, Elizabeth McGovern.

Movie nominated to 4 Oscars & BAFTAs. Leading actress, Cinematography and Best Writing.

Movie with copyright but blocked only in Italy. Subs in: English, Português, Español.


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Melvin & Howard, by Jonathan Demme (1980)

The story of hard-luck Melvin E. Dummar, who claimed to have received a will naming him an heir to the fortune of Howard Hughes.

A estória do azarado Melvin E. Dummar, que afirmou ter recebido um testamento que o nomeava como herdeiro da fortuna do milionário Howard Hughes.

Filme sendo postado a pedidos e para atualização de link com meu canal no YouTube (REVISTA CINETV 2). Apenas consegui legendas em Inglês.

Directed by Jonathan Demme

Cast: Paul Le Mat, Jason Robards, Elizabeth Cheshire, Michael J. Pollard, Mary Steenburgen and Gloria Grahame as Mrs. Sisk.

Subs: English.

Jason Robards was nominated for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role Oscar for playing Howard Hughes in this movie. It was the third time in five years that Robards had been nominated in this category at the Academy Awards. The first two times, in 1977 and 1978, Robards had achieved the extraordinary feat of winning back-to-back Oscars. The films Robards won consecutive Academy Awards for were Júlia (1977) and Todos os Homens do Presidente (1976).

One of writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson's favorites films. Actor Jason Robards' final cinema movie was Anderson's Magnólia (1999). The photography in Anderson's O Mestre (2012) is said to have been inspired by this picture.

Jack Nicholson turned down the role of Melvin Dummar, though he did pass on the script to Mary Steenburgen, his Com a Corda no Pescoço The picture won the National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Film of 1980.10 of 11 found this interesting | Share this

Jason Robards portrayed Howard Hughes in this movie. In real life, Hughes' middle name was "Robard".

Actress Mary Steenburgen won several Best Supporting Actress Awards for this movie. These included the Academy Award (Oscar), the Golden Globe Award, the New York Film Critics Circle Award, the National Society of Film Critics Award and the Boston Society of Film Critics Award.

Subs: English.


Fruit of Paradise (Ovoce stromu rajských jíme), 1970

Vera Chytilova's Fruit Of Paradise, is a lost masterpiece of a film. Lost because Chytilova was not permitted to make any films for decades, after her first film Daisies(another gem), was censored and banned by the Soviet/Czech government. These films show us a new language in cinema, that never got to develop. Her use of sound alone in this film puts her on par with Godard and Leone, her use of color is unlike anything I have ever seen(the first 10 minutes in Eden are a luminous collage of images, patterns, and live actors), and her sense of story(arguably her least accessible trait) is like Bunuel or Svankmajor(her fellow Czech), albeit with a distinctly feminist, whimsicle, slapstick bent.

The story is an allegory of Adam and Eve, in a modern(made in 60's) Health Retreat. The action involves our heroin wandering the grounds where she becomes obsessed with a mysterious man in red, who may or may not be a killer. What follows is a fragmented story of awakening, it's pains and pleasures, but don't look more literally than that, like Lynch's Inland Empire, it's best to view this film topologically(on the surface), as an aesthetic object like a painting, rather than a cinematic tool for conveying a "message". Not that you cant or shouldn't get anything more out of this film, than a lesson in the expansive possibilities of film-making itself, but you get out of it, what you put into it. If you want to just watch the pretty colors, it's got that, if you want to argue about "ontological freedom and meaning", you could use this film as a trampoline, but that role rests here on the viewer. (Fonte IMDb)

Uma releitura experimental da estória de Adão e Eva que prossegue para uma demonstração alegórica da perda de inocência.

Filme com bastante visualizações no meu canal YouTube (REVISTA CINETV 2), sucessor do Momentex Videos. O canal REVISTA CINETV foi desabilitado pelas costumeiras trapalhadas do YouTube na questão de direitos autorais. O sistema deles de averiguação de copyright é capenga e depois joga a culpa no youtuber que não tem nada com isso. Moral da história: eles não admitem que um canal de filmes faça sucesso no YouTube. A diretora Vera Chytilová era da antiga Tchecoslováquia e faleceu recentemente em 2014. 

Directed by Vera Chytilová.

Cast: Jitka Nováková, Karel Novak, Jan Schmid

Subs: English

Existem muitos filmes de ótima qualidade e que não são mostrados pelos grandes canais de streaming, mas a grande maioria tem apenas legendas em Inglês, e muitas legendas em Português e Espanhol, quando existem, não estão devidamente sincronizadas. Dessa forma, sugiro que aprendam Inglês, que fica mais fácil.


Indictment - The McMartin Trial (1995)

Based on a real-life court case, the film finds members of the McMartin family on trial for alleged sexual molestation and abuse of children at their well-regarded preschool. Publicity-seeking attorney Danny Davis initially defends the McMartins for selfish reasons, but he slowly begins to believe that they are innocent. 

Baseado em caso real, o filme mostra membros da família McMartin em julgamento por acusação de abuso sexual e abuso de crianças na pré-escola.  O advogado Dany Davis (James Woods), que quer ganhar notoriedade, inicialmente defende os McMartins por razões egoístas, mas pouco a pouco ele começa a acreditar que são inocentes.

Directed by Mick Jackson

Cast: James Woods, Mercedes Ruehl,  Lolita Davidovich and James Cromwell as Judge Pounders.

3 PrimeTime Emmys.

The film cast includes one Oscar winner: Mercedes Ruehl; and three Oscar nominees: James Woods, Shirley Knight and James Cromwell.

Subs/Legendas: English, Português, Español.


Saturday, November 5, 2022

A King Without Distraction (Un roi sans divertissement), 1963

Um policial e um matador em série brincam de gato e rato em um vilarejo isolada nas montanhas da França do século 19.

A policeman and a serial killer play cat and mouse in an isolated mountain village in nineteenth century France.

Direção de François Leterrier
Elenco: Claude Giraud, Colette Renard, Charles Vanel
Trilha sonora de Maurice Jarre. Legendas disponíveis somente em Inglês.

Veja o filme por este link:

Jo, de Jean Girault (1971)

Um escritor de estórias de detetive procura desesperadamente ocultar um cadáver em sua casa - e ao mesmo tempo saber quem foi que ele matou acidentalmente.

A writer of detective stories desperately trying to hide a corpse in his house - and at the same time to know exactly who he killed accidentally.

Direção de Jean Girault

Elenco: Louis de Funès, Claude Gensac, Michel Galabru.

Este é um dos poucos filmes com Louis de Funès, que consegui publica no meu canal REVISTA CINETV no YouTube, sem que fosse totalmente bloqueado por direitos autorais.

Legendas em Português e Inglês.

Veja o filme por este link do meu canal:

The Fossil (Kaseki), de Masaki Kobayashi - 1975

Um olhar detalhado sobre um magnata de Tóquio (feito pelo ator Shin Saburi) dado um diagnóstico de câncer terminal, que agora precisa reavaliar sua vida e seus valores.

A detailed look at a Tokyo business tycoon (played by Shin Saburi) given a diagnosis of terminal cancer who must now re-assess his life and values.

Direção de Masaki Kobayashi

Elenco: Shin Saburi, Mayumi Ogawa, Keiko Kishi

Legendas apenas em Inglês disponíveis

Veja o filme neste link:

Objective 500 Million - Objectif: 500 millions - (1966)

Reichau, a former army captain, is back in France after serving three years in prison for belonging to the OAS (Secret Armed Organization), ...